
Creation Care and Theological Sciences

We have published a volume on creation:

Serving out of Love:

Theory and Practice in the Social Teaching of the Catholic Church

Authors: Gergely Deli, Géza Kuminetz, Peter Turkson, Erdő Péter, Michael A. Blume, Antal Spányi, Tamás Tóth, Klaus Baumann, Nándor Birher, Dirk Ansorge, Heinz-Gerhard Justenhoven, Scott M. Thomas, András Zs. Varga, Tadeusz KamiŃski, Ferenc Petruska, José Luis Bazán, Bianka Speidl, Péter Krisztián Zachar, András Kóré, Aloysius John, Béla Jungbert, József Padányi, Milán Mór Markovics, Vilmos Fischl, Richárd Zagyva, Daniel Solymári, János Vik, Árpád Olivér Homicskó, Manuel Ganarin, Alberto Tomer;

Editors: Lóránd Ujházi, Ferenc Petruska, Nándor Birher, Brigitta Pulay

Szent István Társulat, Budapest, 2023

Available at the link below:

Lóránd Ujházi: Environmental damage associated with the use of military force in the light of the environmental protection aspects of the Catholic Church

In: Kuminetz, Géza (ed.) Iustitia duce, caritate comite: Selected studies for the 70th birthday of Cardinal, Primate-Archbishop Péter Erdő

Budapest, Hungary : Szent István Társulat (2022) 648 p. pp. 580-598. , 19 p.

The Book of Nature Research Group

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